During a visit to The Netherlands, I was quite happy to find out that I would be in the country for WordCamp NL so I booked myself a ticket and headed to Utrecht for a weekend of networking and learning.

The structure of the conference was very different to the one I attended in Boston, and was much more technical than I had anticipated. That being said, the speakers raised many important and interesting issues in and around WordPress development - and certainly provided some focus points for me in the coming weeks.

It was also a great opportunity to network and meet more people in the industry, developing new contacts. The contributor day was a particularly good opportunity to really spend time discussing web development, WordPress community engagement and work opportunities.

Though I had never previously thought about contributing to WordPress, I really enjoyed spending time sitting with the polyglots team working on WordPress translations. Being a native English speaker, I didn’t expect I would have much to contribute and was delighted to find out that I genuinely can give back to the WordPress community.

So I am loving WordPress just as much, if not more, than before and looking forward to my next WordPress project. If you have something in mind, drop me an email!!